Homenetmen Ararat Chapter offers year long Athletic, Scouting, Cultural, Educational, Fund Raising, Wellness, Alumni and Parental activities to the community it serves. The chapter also educates and engages with the community at large through active partnerships with local city and county government organizations, corporate partnership programs, and participation in various social and cultural activities.
Community activities include the annual Glendale Friendship Games, the Navasartian Games, Summer Day Camp, Tennis Tournaments, Ping Pong Tournaments, the Red Poppy Forum, the Elevate Talks Educational Seminar as well other year round programs.
Homenetmen “Ararat” Chapter operates out of two multi-use facilities. The “Ararat” Main Campus is equipped with a fitness center, two basketball and volleyball courts, a coffee shop/lounge, an “Ararat” store, an assembly hall, a banquet hall and various meeting rooms. The Vahe Ardsroony North Campus Center offers members a multi-sport gymnasium, a parents’ lounge, a unique Elevate Fitness Center and various meeting rooms.